Watsonia Rockets
Little Athletics Club

How to get involved.
Getting involved as a parent on your childs Little Athletics can be very rewarding.
Whether its joining a committee, coaching or just getitng out there and helping out at events its a great way to build a common interest with your kids while developing a healthy active lifestyle.
However knowing how and what to do when getting involved is a big hurdle. It can be pretty daunting to be out there helping run events. Without that help however Little Athletics could simply not be run at all.
On this page you will find some resources that can help you gain some skills in both coaching and officiating.
If you would like to develope these skills further there is a wealth of online and in person courses available through LAVic and other Athletics bodies. Just let someone from the club committee know and we can help set it up.
Even if your unable to help with a formal coaching role understanding the basics of how to help your kids in their events is invaluable.
LAVic has a great range of coaching handouts listed by event. These will give you some basic pointers on the events. You can find the link here;
More iformation can be found on many places on the internet. Some that you may find helpful are;
About Sports. Athletics training guides.
Teach PE - Track and Field - Great section on teaching kids how to Scissors kick in High Jump
At Watsonia LIttle Athletics Club we have two main responsibilities with regards to officiating at events each week. We run the Javelin event in conjuction with Diamond Creek and also run one of the High Jump events each week. We also are required to help out with recording of track events most weeks. Outside of this at Region and State you will be required to help out with duties at a variety of events.
Being familiar with the roles and responsibilities at each event is important and will make this less intimidating and definetely more enjoyable.
Below is a booklet thats part of the Introduction to Officiating course conducted by LAVic. Its gives a great rundown on each event and is a great place to start if your unsure of what to do or how to begin.